Estate123 Dev. Apps

Estate123 Malaysia 2.3
The new and improved Estate123 MalaysiaAndroidapp version 2.0 is a free app that lets users post propertylistingsand search for commercial and residential properties inMalaysia.Are you a real estate agent, a home-owner trying to sellyourproperty, a buyer looking to buy new property, or aninvestorsearching for potential real estate? Simply register for anaccountusing your email address or Facebook account, and you'll beable topost unlimited property listings for FREE via the Estate123Androidapp, or online at!The new and improved version 2.0 of the Estate123 Malaysiaappnow offers more features, improved functions and astreamlineddesign for the ultimate user-friendly property browsingand postingexperience. You can search for commercial orresidentialproperties, find property agents, discover overseasproperty, andget updates on the latest property news and articles –all just byswiping left or right through the different tabs.******************************Create & Manage Listings******************************One of the most popular features of the Estate123 Android app istheability to create property listings straight from yourAndroidsmartphone. No more hassle with cameras and memory cards!Justsnapphotos of the property with your phone camera, upload thephotos,fill in the required fields, and your listing is ready forviewing,both on the app and online on the Estate123.comwebsite!Besides that, you can also edit, delete, update status andevenduplicate your property listings via the mobile app.Getnotification of leads and update your potential leads via theappwhile on the go – perfect for the busy realtor who is alwaysoutand about.*****************************Save Property Searches*****************************Even if you are not a realtor or property owner, the Estate123appis great for buyers and investors searching for theirnextproperty. Searching for commercial or residential propertyhasnever been easier, as you can just browse through thelistingsdisplayed in the Commercial and Residential tabs, orcustomise thesearch fields to find your desired property. You canalso save yoursearches with the new Save Search function, and getnotificationswhenever new matches are found.**************************************Enquire and Save Agent Contact**************************************Found the ideal property listed on Estate123? You can contacttheagent or property owner using the (+) contact button ontheproperty listing or save the agent's contact details directlyintoyour phone's contact list for future reference.*****************************Property News & Articles*****************************Get the latest property news from Malaysia and around theworld,along with articles regarding real estate, investment,interestingplaces and much more, from the Estate123 Insight tab,and catch upwith the latest Estate123 announcements and events fromthe Blogtab.***********************Highlighted features:***********************~ Create Listings~ Manage Listings~ Manage Leads~ Customise Search Fields~ View photos and location map~ Save Search~ Contact Agent/Property Owner~ Save Agent Contact~ Fast Browsing~ Property News & Articles